Monday, February 2, 2009

Social Media Spectrum: Where do you fall?

While searching the blogosphere I came upon a post entitled, “Social Media is the Responsibility of Public Relations” by Jason Falls. This post was written in 2008 and it’s basically about “where” social media lies, in terms of responsibility, in the corporate spectrum or organizational structure. I found this blog very interesting because it really describes social media in the context of the PR professional and it’s various uses in this field. Falls states that in his personal opinion, social media should be the responsibility of public relations and he explains his position very eloquently and convincingly enough.
The main reason Falls gives as to why social media belongs in the realm of PR is simply because social media is a method of communication. Falls states that, “To be effective in social media, whether as a marketer of just an ordinary participant, you must, first and foremost, communicate well.” He goes on to discuss that although social media tools are technology driven, the technology is used primarily to deliver or convey a message; and who better to covey any message that your company may have, than someone who is trained in the art of effective communication.
That being said, what I found so interesting about this post is that Falls goes on to discuss on important it is for PR professionals to learn as much as they can about computer and internet-based technologies. Communications professionals shouldn’t just sit back on their laurels and hope to understand all of this new technology. He urges PR professionals to get out into cyberspace and to really experiment and become familiar with the technology. “Technology has become a requirement of the skill set,” Falls said.
The need for communications professionals to be adept and knowledgeable about web-based technologies and tools is evident and as social media continues to evolve, I can only see how important this particular skill set will become. Now here is the question that I pose to you. Do you believe that within the corporate structure, social media should fall to the PR professional? Do you believe that perhaps there is a better way to divide this responsibility? Let me know your thoughts and check out that post if you get a chance at . Thanks.
Porsche Haynes


  1. I think social media is the responsibility of PR practitioners. Like the article said it's a way of communicating.

    The social media craze has taken over, from how we get our news to how we learn about new dances, movies, and other facets of life. It's an instant exchange of ideas. Any PR practitioner who does not attempt to learn about the different social media are doing a disservice to themselves.

  2. Social Media should fall to the PR professional. I think that every one should be experts at communicating but the PR professional should live and breathe communicating with social media.

    As Marlon said, everyone should attempt to learn the different aspects of social media. I don't see social media leaving anytime soon. If a PR practitioner wants to be successful they have to know how to use social media to communicate their ideas or it will harm them and their company.
