Sunday, February 1, 2009

3-D Commercial on YouTube Presents New Ad/PR Techniques

SoBe’s Lifewater 3-D High-Definition Commercial Can Be Seen on YouTube

With their pimped-out grills and their fly moves, the SoBe Lifewater lizards bring new meaning to the word "commercial." Try more like mini-music video. With this new approach to commercials, SoBe has done exceptionally well with profits, even though the economy isn’t at its best. "The SoBelieve campaign continues to be an extraordinary multimedia, multiplatform event. From iTunes to NBC to the global YouTube platform, the lizards are everywhere," said Massimo d'Amore, CEO of PepsiCo North America Beverages (

YouTube is the first social networking media site to show the 3-D commercial. SoBe’s new Super Bowl XLIII commercial will show in 3-D Hi-Def and includes the oh-so-famous blinged-out lizards dancing alongside NFL superstars Ray Lewis, Matt Light and Justin Tuck. To see the true effect of the video, viewers can go by their local grocery, drug or other retail stores and pick up a pair of free 3-D glasses from SoBe Lifewater displays (

SoBe enables viewers to share and discuss the footage among each other by posting the 3-D SoBe Lifewater commercial on YouTube. The SoBe 3-D commercial cannot only reach couch potatoes, but it can also reach computer junkies (people who are excessively devoted to a particular activity or place on the Internet).

From gorilla advertising to 3-D commercials on the Internet, companies are finding new spins to innovative advertising and PR strategies.

How effective do you think the 3-D commercial (on TV and YouTube) will be on SoBe Lifewater sales? Is it a good idea to use social media sites to show advertisements? Why or why not?

-Armegan Anderson


  1. 3-D commercials in my eyes are just another fad. Right now everyone is doing it from movies to commercials. I just ask myself every time I see one of these commercials, how many people are actually going out and purchasing 3-D glasses just to see a commercial? I personally think it’s a waste of time but I guess the couch potato might think differently from me.
    I do think it is a good idea for social media sites to show advertisements because the traditional way by showing it on the TV is becoming a way of the past. Yes, it will always be a smart move to have ads on the TV but now with TIVO and the abundant amount of channels, who is really watching them? Most people are fast forwarding through it or surfing the 500 other channels they have. So I think it is a great idea to find new ways to get your message across.

  2. I think it's an excellent marketing tool to use social media for commercials and other advertisements if they are creative and innovative, that is. I don't think it'll have an effect on the sales because the sales will ultimately depend on how good the product is. I also agree with Kiah about TV advertisements and TiVO. Personally, I fast forward through the commercials.
