Sunday, March 1, 2009

Doesn't It Just Grind Your Gears

On Friday of this week, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who is a business major here at FAMU. One minute we were talking about shoes and the next thing I knew I was being dragged into a discussion about the differences between publicity and advertising. Now what my friend (who will remain anonymous) insisted (with great vigor and conviction if I do say so myself) was that they basically served the same function and that in her opinion the two were interchangeable. She also stated that if she had to choose one or the other, she would choose advertising.

Now, I generally try to refrain from allowing people to get me riled up. I don't want to be unnecessarily confrontational or use colorful epitaphs unless warranted, but these comments annoyed me to no end (and you, who will remain nameless, know that they did). So, instead of giving in to my hot tempered nature, I remained calm and put my litigation skills to good use (I was formerly a pre-law student). I stated in a very conversational tone, the main characteristics the differentiated these two disciplines. Those characteristics are as follows:

Characteristics of Advertising:
1. Create a “Big Bang”
2. Visual
3. Reach Mass Audience
4. Promote New Lines and Extensions
5. Likes Old Names

Characteristics of Publicity
1. Use of Slow Buildup
2. Verbal
3. Reach Targeted Audience
4. Favor New Brands
5. Likes New Names

I closed my argument by quoting Ronald Smith saying that, “Publicity lights the fire and advertising fans the flames.” What became a heated debate was quickly quelled and I came out victorious. That is to say, when I was finished with my side of the debate, there was no rebuttal. So, what do you think? Are the two interchangeable or are there distinct differences that you can see? Or, you can riddle me this… have you ever had an argument with someone about the relevance of PR and PR related activities? Doesn’t it just grind your gears? Well, that’s all for me folks. Take care and have a wonderful week.



  1. There are clearly differences between advertising and public relations. I don't even like to compare the two. I've never had a discussion with anyone about this matter but I would be pretty irritated if someone was trying to convince me that they are the same. Publicity and advertising need each other to be successful. So how can they be the same if you need one to enhance the success of the other?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Porshe, what's your friends name? Just kidding! But I've taken part in this type of debate with several students from SBI. Entering college I was originally a Advertising major and I'm so glad I made the change. There's just no comparison between the two!

    Travis Francis
