Sunday, April 5, 2009

Millennials Are Good People

The characteristics of Millennials, a.k.a. the Net Gen, was the topic of discussion in my advertising class on Thursday. My professor was quick to describe the bad qualities that Millennials (the entire class) are said to have, one of them being how we think we are so special.

She described us as being very sheltered and of having egos that were boosted by our parents. We apparently need to be able to access everything from food to information at the blink of an eye. She also said that we are overly confident. In a business setting, we are known to have the “nobody can fire me because I quit” attitude. We are goal-oriented, and we think that we will reach our goals faster by going to college.

The list goes on.

Come on! Give me a break! Millennials are always being put down. We cannot help that our parents want the best for us. Baby boomers laugh at the fact that parents tell their children that they are still winners even if they have lost. The funny thing is that they are the parents.

Mandla made things worse when he raised his hand and said that he just could not see himself working 40 hours a week for another man to gain all of the wealth. His statement was a little cocky, but very logical. Millennials want to be reflections of their exemplars: the baby boomer parents. We want to own our own businesses and make millions of dollars, too.

My professor should have mentioned the good qualities of Millennials. We are the collaborating generation. Instead of watching television all day like the baby boomers did, Millennials are growing up interacting. Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and Habbo are some of the social media Web site giants that Millennials use as communications marketplaces.

I admit, we like to get our research fast. If we want to know how many people in China buy Chinese Barbie dolls every year, we can type it up on Google and get some kind of information about the subject.

Baby boomers and Generation Xers should point out the healthy brain-stimulating habits that Millennials have instead of making us seem like lazy rebels.

What are some other things that you have heard about Millennials?


1 comment:

  1. Mandla Actually said 60 hours a week...and i know because thats me!

