Sunday, February 8, 2009

The 51st Grammy's engage in social media...

It seems like everyone is getting in touch with their social media savy side these days. One of the biggest music events in history decided to jump on the bandwagon this year: The 51st Grammy's Music Award Show live-streamed awards given out to artists that were unable to make the nationally televised show due to time constraints.

In an effort to give music lovers what they want as well as publicly congratulate musicians for their hard work, the Grammy's participated in social media by live-streaming the "pre-telecast" awards. The live-streaming show included such categories of music like gospel, latin music, spoken word and classical music acts through RSS Feed live on the website. The Pre-tel kick off started at 4 p.m. ET and showed the other 80 awards that were given out to artists, directors, editors, etc.

The fact that the Grammy's was unable to showcase the more than 100 awards that they gave out to musicians this year and took advantage of a great opprotunity of easily accessable social media outlets is just another step towards convergence and intelligent PR strategies.

The Grammy's also had professional social media experts create blogs as well as profiles on Twitter and Facebook in order to keep the blogosphere and internet world updated on what to expect for the 51st Grammy Awards. The Grammy's public relations team did the research and listened to what people wanted, and since they were unable to televise all of the awards given, (which would have made the show over 6 hours long), they still found a way to give all the winners recognition through live-streaming RSS Feed.

On the Grammy's official website, fans were able to get updated by the second with pictures, live interviews, and live stream of who was at the Grammy's, who won what award and what they were wearing. People from all over the nation left hundreds of responses with their comments on the show. Some fans posted on Facebook and Twitter about how mad they were that their select singer or band didn't win a specific award. Whether a music fan was estatic about the performances or upset about who didn't win an award, they all were provided the opprotunity to get involved through social media and voice their concerns.

I think the Grammy's did an excellent job in using social media to their advantage this year.... Do you think it was a smart move for the Grammy's to get involved with social media? Did they execute their interraction with social media well?
-- Samantha Savory

1 comment:

  1. I think that it was smart that the Grammy's got involved in some way with giving artist recognition, because for many years minority artist were not televised or given that recognition when recieving their award. And Grammy's officals recieved backlash from the public about that. So I suppose working with social media is a good step toward the right direction.

